Saturday, August 13, 2011

Midnight Angels--Rayven part 2

     “I don’t know, Captain. There are times that I feel like I don’t belong and that I don’t fit in with the other Angels anymore,” Rayven stated in a way that indicated to Anya of her friend’s isolationism and loneliness, “Do the others know?”

     “No my friend. If they do then they’re not saying anything to me. We all care about you and about each other. That’s what makes us Midnight Angels.” Anya remarked with a softness to her eyes, face, body and voice. She embraced her friend in a hug.

     Somehow that seemed to help Rayven’s mood. They were about to join the others when she stopped Anya to inform her of her unusual situation. So they informed the other angels and to warn them to be on their guard. It was late when they all dispersed. Anya, Malia, Dasha and Rayven walked together heading for the gate that led to their living quarters. As the women dispersed to their separate quarters, Rayven has asked Anya to stay to talk.

     “Captain, while my body was in the state of flux. I sensed that the stranger was in danger. Somehow I was able to don my full armor and rescue him and his clan members.”

     “Rayven, that’s normal among our kind. It usually happens when our kind as gone through the flux,” she remarked kindly, “It happens to each of us sooner or later. I was like you before I went through the flux. I was isolated and lonely. I also kept my distance from the others until I experienced it. Damn it was exhausting both physically and psychically. Unfortunately, when I went through mine the male that stayed by my side through it was…”Anya couldn’t finish with the rest of her words.

     Rayven had heard stories of the Captain and of the stranger that she loved. No one knew anything about that time in her life; some had asked only to come face to face with the wall of silence. That was the reason why she wanted to become a Midnight Angel, not to mention, she wanted to carry on the tradition of her family. She had heard the rumors that Anya’s stranger had left her alone and pregnant. She decided that she needed to ask, “Captain, may I ask you a question?”
     “Sure Rayven. What do you need or want to know?” Anya asked a bit suspicious.

     “Whatever happened to your mate?” she asked a bit hesitant.

     “I don’t know.”Was the only thing that Anya said? She knew what had happened to the man she loved.

     But she wasn’t ready to tell her story to anyone, just yet. Rayven noticed Anya’s left hand playing around with her pendant. The only time that her captain ever did that was when she was lost in thoughts of the past. So she left her captain and headed toward her private quarters. When she felt something not quite right. As she made her way to her bedroom, the feeling began to intensify. That was when the candles blazed bright; the scent of lavender assailed her senses. She turned toward her bed where she found Lucien laying there looking delectable. Before she could take a step forward he was all ready walking toward her. He began to remove her leathers slowly enjoying the reaction that he was soliciting from Rayven. Once he had her topless, he turned her around, moved her hair to one side and began to caress her neck in a manner that she never thought existed.

     Lucien so enjoyed what he was doing to his angel. He didn’t imagine that he would find her again. Now, he was going to make her his like all the males in his clan. Lucien became clan chieftain after his brother went missing. He was brought back to reality by Rayven’s soft moans. Suddenly he began to feel disoriented before he vanished. She felt the sudden coldness in the room and when she turned she found him gone; which left her body aching as well as her heart and soul. She finished stripping on her way toward her bathroom to take her shower.

     After she slipped into the shower she released her wings when she felt something in the bathroom with her. Rayven turned the bathroom into a steam room when she silently slipped up behind whom or whatever it was that was in there with her. She heard a howl of a horror-stricken nature and by the time she recognized the howl she was already on the bathroom floor lying motionless. It didn’t take long for the guards to return with their quarry. Rayven finally came to only to find herself in an unknown place. She couldn’t see where she was or if there was anyone else there with her. She tried to move her wings only to find out that she couldn’t do so.

     It took her a few minutes to locate her voice but when she did she made damned sure that her voice boomed, “I demand to know why I am here?”

     “We have a feisty one here,” one of the soldiers stated in a manner that she was unaccustomed to.

     Before she could think of doing anything to stop them, the soldiers already a hold of her. The two males took their time while they enjoyed and amused themselves with Rayven. No matter what she said or did the two males would pinch her on her breasts, thighs, hips, ass and… If they weren’t pinching then they were slapping her until she’d bruise or they would have intercourse with her on some physical level. Now back in the dimension of the Midnight Angels, Anya knew that something was wrong, so she called the other angels to the hall. She armored up and went to check on her friend. She wasn’t surprised to find Rayven missing. She spoke a small spell that would give her some information as to where her friend was.

     What she found was shocking, Anya had only heard horror stories of how her people and comrades were treated but to see it for herself that was another story. The small experience was terrifying. She returned to the Great Hall to inform the others of what she experienced. The men were starting to see red and started to get protective of their counter-parts. The ladies were not going to be left behind while the men went to rescue Rayven. It took Anya’s cool head and calm voice to getting the angels to calm down.

     After the other angels were calm, they all donned their battle armor and headed toward the gate that would take them to their comrade. It didn’t take the Midnight Angels long in locating the leader and the ones that kidnapped Rayven. Dasha and Malia freed her wings when they heard weapons clashing together. They knew that they had to get their comrade freed and out of there but they couldn’t leave their captain alone.

     “Get her and go, now!” Anya yelled at the two women.

     Malia and Dasha agreed that after freeing Rayven one would get her to safety while the other helped Anya. Only their plan didn’t go off without a hitch. The two angels were being engaged by a couple members of the royal guards. After the three angels defeated the guards they went to finish freeing their sister in arms, when they heard some low moans coming from the next cell. Anya had the other two finish getting Rayven down and out, while she went to investigate the moaning.

      What she saw was horrific that it made her blood boil. She sliced through the cell bars with another weapon. Then she called for the rest of the Midnight Angels so she could deal with the leader. Once the others arrived, she ordered them to remove the innocents and take them home. She then vanished into that bright light. When she re-appeared it was in front of the leader and his personal guards. “You lose your life for the crimes that you committed against my angels. But most of all, the crimes that you committed against your own people,” Anya stated in the coldest of tones that made the leader stop dead in his tracks.

     His guards were about to step in to protect him when she raised a hand and watched them fall. Anya then raised her weapon and she executed the leader, but she was also aware of his cunning and how he had cheated death. She moved close enough to check for a heartbeat but not able to be touched by that particular male. But it was the soft gasp that got her attention. She went to investigate the sound when she felt a pair of strong hands on her shoulders. She threw the bastard over her head; she was poised to plunging her weapon into the stranger’s chest when she noticed who he was.

     She dropped her weapon then she dropped to her knees and looked into his beautiful dark eyes. He reached up and brought her head down for a passionate kiss. Before either of them knew what was about to happen, Anya felt a white searing pain enter her body which made her unable to stand. So her lover got to his feet, grabbed her fallen weapon then he swung her up into his arms and headed for the gate that would lead him to her home.  When they arrived at the gate’s entrance, Trisitan was waiting for her only this time he wasn’t excepting her lover to show up after all this time.

     Instead Tristian was civil until his captain was put to bed. Before the Midnight Angel knew what was about to occur, her lover handed her over to Johan so he could handle some issues before they could start. Then he turned his attention to Tristian, “I know you don’t care for me but I’m not here for you. So you can either drop the attitude or you can find me on the honor of the battlefield. Make your choice wisely angel, because if you don’t you won’t survive.”

     Then he turned and walked away from Tristian.  When he arrived at his lover’s quarters he was surprised to see Johan and Tianna waiting for him. They had already done what repair they could for Anya. But it was Johan that escorted him to his brothers. When they arrived he saw the damage that Lucien had endured. It was more than Wulf could bear; first his lover then his brother. He was about to slip into his true identity when Lucien spoke, “Brother, don’t…I’m glad you are still alive and here. How is Rayven and our other clansmen?”

     “What the hell happened?” he spoke gently which was underlined with a powerful roar.

     Johan spoke up to answer Lucien’s questions, “Rayven is sleeping comfortable. Her wings will heal and so will her body. Dasha, Malia are working on repairing her spirit. The twins and their sister are working on your clansmen as we speak. Now, you need to sleep and let their healing abilities work on you.”

     “Is the son of a bitch dead?” was Lucien’s last question before he could sleep.

     “Yes, Anya took care of him before she was injured.” With that knowledge he saw his only brother close his eyes and peace flooded his handsome face.

     The two comrades turned and walked out of the chamber only to be met by Tristian. Tristian still had it out for Anya’s lover’s blood for the way he left her in her condition some years ago.  

     Wulf knew what Tristian was wanting but he would be damned if the boy was going to force his hand; which meant that Johan was going to have to run interference between a Midnight Angel and a warrior/shifter. He had seen Wulf head back to Anya’s quarters while he stood there with his lover’s brother. Johan spoke without taking his eyes off of the warrior’s back, “Tristian, you need to get it together right now. With his return, I know that pisses you off to no limits. But he’s needed now more than ever, and not just for our captain and their children, but for all of us.” With that said he escorted his comrade back to his position at the gate and ordered him to do his job without further incidents.

     Tristian hated orders that came from anyone else but his captain, so he swallowed his rising anger and followed the orders that Johan had issued. Back in Rayven’s quarters, Dasha and Malia were just finishing up with the repairs to her spirit; all they could do now was wait for her to come around. Back in the infirmary, Lucien and his clansmen were sleeping when they heard a commotion outside. They each got up from their beds and went to investigate the sound when suddenly they found themselves back in their clan’s territory.  Only this time they were all in their true forms. And each member was protecting something that they highly coveted beyond all their lives.

     Only this time there was something different about the experience. Lucien and the others couldn’t pinpoint where the strange phenomenon was coming from. They tried to head back from where they came from and all they could do was look at their sleeping bodies lying in the infirmary’s beds. Each one of them felt a very lethal power that kept coming at them. Before any of them could speak the stranger stopped and stared at them giving them time to adjust to their new surroundings.  Once they all got over the initial shock of their bodies they followed him to a sacred grove.  They had only heard of this person through stories that were handed down through generations.

     “What are we doing here?” the youngest clansman spoke in tone that was laced with fear and curiosity.

     “You are here for a reason that will take each of you on a unique journey,” the stranger spoke in cryptic manner.

     “All right, where the hell do we start?”Another clansman spoke up in that bold manner.

     “Each of you will start in your animal bodies---“he was interrupted by Lucien, “You are shitting me? Each of us in our animal form? I have an angel that needs me.”

     “I know. If any of you want to return to your people or this angel you must do this,” the stranger remarked in his cryptic manner.

     Lucien was the only one that was going to have a real problem about leaving Rayven. Because he saw what it did to his brother when he had to leave Anya? Lucien didn’t want to have Rayven not know where he was and vice versa. He wanted to make sure that she was going to be all right, he also wanted to make love to her for the first time. Hell, he wanted to be mated to her. That acknowledgement floored Lucien, hell he didn’t even know where that thought came from. Somehow he had to make it back to his body so he could tell Rayven that he wanted to be with her.

Lucien was a warrior not a mage of any kind. So he used logic to try to persuade this stranger into letting them return to their bodies and their lives.  He knew that he could decide for the rest of his clansmen instead he decided for himself and now it was time to see if he could make this stranger dance to his tune. He used every strategy that he could think of but to no avail. The stranger meant business and sent him on his way with one exception. Lucien only had one week to get his affairs in order. He was grateful for the small lee-way but that wouldn’t be enough to do what he needed to do for his beautiful Midnight Angel. After he was returned to his body, he left the infirmary and went in search of Rayven.

     He found her quarters only to be stopped by what he saw. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was even lying there with her wings stretched out. He didn’t know how he ended up at the side of her bed but he reached out to touch her when she looked up at him. Rayven had noticed that there was something different about him but she couldn’t figure it out. As she started to sit up Lucien was already helping her so she wouldn’t reinjure her wings or anything else. All he could do was hang onto her and when he looked into her emerald green eyes, he saw a life with her that included family, friends and children. Before he knew what he was doing he captured her lips and kissed her for all he was worth.

     By the time the two of them came up back to reality, Lucien was feeling his time with her running out so he swept her up into his arms and vanished with her to a place that he knew of only. Once they arrived he didn’t even make the time to set her on her feet before he started to seduce her senses and body. They communicated with their eyes and bodies of what they wanted from the other. And right now they both wanted each other so badly. So he laid her down on the pile of furs before he started a roaring fire to take the chill off the private lodge.

     Once the fire was really going, Lucien returned back to her side where he gathered her close to his body. He enjoyed the way her body molded itself to his. He breathed her scent deep into his lungs. He hands roamed her body memorizing every curve, every texture, and so forth. Rayven wasn’t really paying any attention to what was going on except for how this male that was making her burn hard and fast. Her instincts were telling her that she was made for him and no one else.  So she began to lick his neck to see how he tasted and to see what he tasted like. She didn’t or hadn’t realized just how much she needed him until at that moment in time. Somehow she had her legs swept out from underneath her and found herself on her back.

     With Lucien right there beside her still holding her close to him. He couldn’t take much more of her gentle exploration of his neck so he lifted her face up to his when he started to kissed her like a drowning man needs a savior.  And that’s what she had become to him was a savior.

     Rayven realized what was happening but she knew that it was right between them and so she let him take the lead, for right now. She also gave into the sensual side of what she was doing. Lucien was using the power of touch to making her beautiful body sing to his music. He began his exploration of her entire body and it was an exploration that he wanted to continue to do so for the rest of his years.  He started to seduce her senses with his touch and his lips. Lucien started with touching her neck lightly and gently making her endure his exploration as he was made to endure hers.  When he hands came to her breasts, he was so in awe by the size of them that when his hands rested on them they were so smooth and soft.

     Not to mention, the weight of them when he cupped them were massive. As he began to massage them, Rayven just laid there enjoying the feel of his hands on her breasts. She thought that she would explode right then and there just from what he was doing to her breasts. Somehow she had managed to reach his lips while she continued to let her hands wander the length of his body. Lucien kissed her was all the passion that he had stored up and when she kissed him back he was surprised that someone as beautiful as his Midnight Angel would kiss him like that. See Rayven is no ordinary Midnight Angel; she is the guardian of the dream gate.

     All she could do was feel what this male was doing to her senses and to her body. Lucien was lightly caressing the rest of her body until he reached her right thigh and there his caressing became that of possession. He began to massage her inner thigh with a possessiveness that he didn’t know he possessed. He kissed his way down her body until he reached the apex between her thighs. He used his animalistic senses to feel what she was feeling. He dipped his head between her beautiful thighs and began his feasting. As soon as his long tasted her unique flavor, Rayven was starting to spiral out of control from the intensity of emotions that were running through her.

     Lucien was doing an extremely slow exploration of her body. He was also finding out what would affect her most, what amount of pressure would send her over the edge, and the different ways that he could use. They had spent hours just enjoying the foreplay until he couldn’t standing it anymore. Then he could his extremely hard cock and slowly slid it into his angle’s beautiful, flushed, fully ripe body. And when he did he just stayed there for a moment or two just savoring the body embracing him. After a few moments, he began the movements of lovemaking slowly at first until the feeling began to intensify. It wasn’t long before their worlds collided and exploded together.

    Rayven screamed out her pleasure while begging him for more. And Lucien howled his pleasure in return. He couldn’t belief that he had poured all of his seed into this heavenly creature. After a few moments, he rolled off of her and pulled her close to his body so the two of them could sleep for a few hours. He reached for his angel and when he didn’t find her soft body lying next to him he woke up with a start. He didn’t even bother dressing instead he went in search of her. When he finally found her he noticed how much more beautiful she was than when he first laid eyes on her.

     Rayven had truly turned into a Midnight Angel though she didn’t know how the transformation happened and she didn’t care. All she knew what that she was loved and she had returned that love a hundred fold. She was so involved in bathing herself that she didn’t even notice him standing there watching her until she felt his arms enveloping her waist. Lucien’s hands were making their way down her body in order to start that fiery passion again. Only he found that her nether region was swollen and sore. Then it occurred to him that she was virgin until just a few hours ago.

     Instead he just held her against his body and enjoyed how she felt against him and how perfect she fit him. He was taken by surprise when she unleashed her wings so that way she could bathe them, as well. He had only seen her wings once but not up close and personal until now.  He didn’t realize how beautiful her wings are. But he could tell that there was still some damage that was done to them. That alone inflamed his senses of how a woman should be treated. He slid his hands as far as they could reach and something strange began to happen.

     He didn’t know what was happening but her injured wings were being restored. He would wait to ask the stranger when he saw him next. But in the mean time he was just going to enjoy the heavenly creature that in front of him. Before he knew what was happening, Rayven had turned around and kissed him tenderly on the cheek then she dove beneath the crystal waters.

     Lucien couldn’t believe what just happened until she splashed him with some of the water.

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