Saturday, December 27, 2014

December Hell 2014

     Guess its time that I start to vent and vent extremely well...Normally, I don't do this but in this case it needs to be done. So please bear with me...

     I'm not normally and open person with my emotions but right now I don't really give a flying rat's ass. It's time that I let my mouth completely overload my ass. For the last few months I have been a unique relationship. I have also been living with people that are toxic to say the very fucking least. Now there is so much more that has gone wrong than I can say. AND I AM THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEMS!!! I went into this unique relationship with my eyes open. I have done everything that I could do to make it work. Everyone wants out of the where we are currently stuck at. I just don't know what to do anymore? I want to be with them BUT how do I tell them how I feel without hurting them or that? I know I need to speak my mind and make myself feel better but how can I when I know what it's going to do in the end? I want all of us involved to be happy. Guess it's time that I fly by the seat of my pants...Just wish I knew what to do anymore???? Cause I can't vent to no one but them. But how can I when am so confused about how to handle it. I know I need to handle it with kid gloves. One of them is only 18. She is beautiful inside and out. Me, I'm not beautiful inside and out anymore. Never was on the outside. According to them I am a liar, etc...

     All I do know is that I thought I could handle it but I guess I'm not the right person for something like this unique relationship.